Bedding Update – Change of Heart

Time is definitely the way to change your mind. After trying the blankets, and trying the wood pellets, and even toying around a bit with the Carefresh bedding, guess who the winner is? Wood chips! I know, I know! Who would guessed that I’d be willing to put up with the dust. Yes, it is dusty, but that all depends on the wood chip size I found out. I talked with a local farm store attendant when I was on a time crunch and needed some bedding. He said that typically the smaller the critter the larger the size of wood chip they like. Who knew? Well, I also found out that with the larger wood chip comes with less dust. The finer the chip the more dust. Which, yes, does make a lot of sense.

I had actually gotten some wood chips from another source and had nearly changed my mind on their effectiveness because they were considered a medium chip but had the dust level of a small chip. Needless to say, I was not a fan of that. The whole room was COVERED in dust from changing out the bedding because of how fine this wood chip had been.

When it all comes down to it though, everyone is going to have their own opinion on bedding material. I personally like now the larger flake of wood chips because you can get way more for your money. I did like the Carefresh bedding, and, if it wasn’t so dang expensive, I’d probably be using that. Unfortunately, the more hedgies you have the more expensive that bedding can be so bulk large wood chips definitely are the way to go. Just a heads-up on my findings 😉

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